This report is a review of the development of the refractories industry in the British Isle which for the purposes of this paper includes both the north and south of Ireland geologically if not politically and covers mainly the last 300 years with a summary of the current situation and future possible developments.
Abr 22
Magnesia Market Summit: MagForum 2018 Review
INFORMED’s MagForum 2018 conference was held 17-20 June, at the Grande Elysée Hotel, Hamburg/DE. With 230 international attendees networking and discussing the key issues influencing the industry, it was the largest yet. The event was stimulated with a diverse programme presented by leading experts.
Home to speciality magnesa supplier Lehmann & Voss & Co./DE, and as lead sponsor of MagForum 2018, it was fitting thar Knut Breede, Managing Partnet, formally oponed proceedings with a Welcome Address providing not just an insight to Lehmann & Voss but also the longstanding pedigree of Hamburg as a mineral trading hub.
Abr 15
China’s magnesia prices firm on strict environmental inspections
Magnesia production hubs in China are continuing their efforts to reduce negative environmental impact, while domestic magnesia prices firm and export prices hold steady on low demand.
Following China’s closure of companies in the Dashiqiao magnesia production hub that failed to meet environmental standards and the Haicheng government’s progress in consolidating the magnesia industry in early September, the Dashiqiao and Haicheng governments have been stepping up efforts to improve local air conditions to make them comply with Beijing’s environmental targets.
Officials from the Dashiqiao and Yingkou governments held a conference with local refractory companies on September 14 to establish improved emission standards for air pollutants in the magnesia-based refractory industry. Local companies should strictly follow the production standards.
Meanwhile, the Haicheng government has started a new round of environmental inspections in the local area, which will last one month from September 18 to October 19.
During this round of inspections, some magnesia companies in Haicheng and Dashiqiao have chosen to stop production and upgrade equipment to meet the new standards for inspection, leading to reduced supply in the spot market. With mining restrictions still in place, domestic Chinese magnesia prices have firmed again, and some producers have even started to increase prices for magnesia, especially fused magnesia (FM) and dead-burned magnesia (DBM), though this has not affected market prices yet.
«China’s magnesia prices will not fall further, or even increase in a small range, due to the recent conference and new round of environmental inspections. Dead burned magnesia prices will be influenced more as more producers might stop production due to the inspections in Haicheng. Meanwhile export prices are temporarily standing still as demand from buyers remains quiet,» an exporter in Dalian told Industrial Minerals.
Industrial Minerals’ latest price assessments showed the fob China price of magnesia, fused, 97% MgO (Ca:Si 2:1) was at $1,250-1,350 per tonne on September 18, flat with previous week. Industrial Minerals’ assessment for the fob China price of DBM, 90% MgO lumpwas at $220-260 per tonne on September 18, also unchanged from the previous week.
Abr 08
Review: Mineral Recycling Forum 2018
INFORMED’s Mineral Recycling Forum 2018 took place at hte Radisson Blu, Cologne/DE, 15-16 March 2018, where international delegates networked and discussed the latest trends and developments in recycling steel waste, refractories, foundry chromite sand, salt, and fly ash. The conference was preceded by a well-attended and quite exceptional one-day tour of recycling leader Horn & Co. Group’s facilities at Weitefeld, Hunsborn, and Siegen (all Germany). Delegates were able to see first hand how steel and refractory waste was expertly sorted (by both hand and Laser Based Sensor System (LIBS), crushed, sized, and packaged ready for customer delivery. Of particular interest was the state-of-the-art analytical laboratory at Hunsborn as well as the operational LIBS unit at Siegen.
Mar 25
Del 11 al 14 de marzo tuvo lugar en Sevilla la II Edición del curso de Ingeniería de Refractarios
Del 11 al 14 de marzo tuvo lugar en Sevilla la II Edición del curso de Ingeniería de Refractarios, curso impartido íntegramente por y para asociados de ANFRE. Nuestra intención con estos cursos es formar a las nuevas generaciones de trabajadores de nuestras empresas para poder contar con un sector ampliamente cualificado.
El curso, al igual que la edición anterior, ha sido un gran éxito tanto de quórum como de expectativas tanto de los alumnos como de la organización. Los participantes han valorado muy positivamente su experiencia y desde ANFRE nos complace encontrarnos con participantes altamente preparados y motivados.
Es este un curso en el que se combina la formación teórica con la práctica, pretendiendo de este manera que el alumno puede obtener una visión global del sector. En esta ocasión hemos visitado las siguientes empresas, empresas a las que queremos agradecerles el apoyo y la colaboración que nos han prestado:
- Siderúrgica Sevillana
- Refractarios Alfran
Los temas que se han tratado en el curso han sido los siguientes:
- Materiales refractarios
- Introducción al Diseño de Revestimientos
- Aplicación de Refractarios
- Secado, calentamiento y enfriamiento
- Seguridad y Control de Calidad.
Como hemos comentado anteriormente estos temas han sido preparados e impartidos por empresas asociadas a Anfre.
Desde Anfre queremos dar las gracias una vez más a las siguientes empresas, sin ellas el curso no hubiera sido posible:
- Insertec
- Arciresa
- Morgan Advanced Materials
- Deguisa
- Dominion Global S.A
- Teide Refractory Solutions
- Calderys Ibérica Refractarios S.A
- Técnicas de Refractarios S.A.U
- Reyma, Materiales Refractarios
- Gerfor S.A
- Refractarios Alfran S.A
- Prevencoor
Estas empresas han colaborado o bien realizando el temario del libro o bien impartiendo las ponencias. Gracias de corazón por vuestro tiempo, esfuerzo y pasión.
Por último, desde Anfre, queremos hacer una mención especial al Comité de Montadores y sobre todo a su responsable Dolores Cagigas, por hacer posible proyectos como este, proyectos que nos hacen crecer y mejorar como asociación.
Igualmente agradecer la disponibilidad absoluta de nuestro Presidente, Roberto Caballero.
Nos vemos en el siguiente curso.