Jun 19

Reuniones de la Junta Directiva y de los distintos comités, Comité de Montadores y Comité Técnico.

El pasado martes 4 de junio tuvieron lugar en la sede de Anfre en Madrid las reuniones de la Junta Directiva y de los distintos comités, Comité de Montadores y Comité Técnico.

En dichas reuniones se trataron temas de interés para Anfre y para el sector del refractario en general.

Se ha comentado el gran éxito obtenido en la II Edición del Curso de Ingeniería de Refractarios, curso que tuvo lugar el pasado marzo en Sevilla. Desde aquí queremos volver a felicitar a todas las personas involucradas en la realización del mismo y de igual manera a todas aquellas empresas de Anfre que siguen confiando en nosotros.

Hemos recordado a todos los asistentes que la próxima reunión la haremos coincidir un la jornada técnica que está preparando la sección de refractarios de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio “ Conocimiento, Economía circular y Reciclado den el sector de los materiales refractarios” , jornada que tendrá lugar el 23 de octubre en el Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio.

Dº Diego de la Fuente Díez, de Calderys Ibérica,  ha ratificado su cargo como Presidente desde el 1 de junio del 2019 hasta el 31 de mayo del 2020.

Una vez finalizadas las reuniones hemos podido relajarnos durante la comida ofrecida por ANFRE.

Desde ANFRE os deseamos un Feliz Verano!!!

Nos vemos en la próxima reunión de octubre.

Jun 17

A new 60-day production restriction started from 1st March

Mar. 05, 2019 – Local government in Sanmenxia, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, one of the main industrial districts for white fused alumina, brown fused alumina and other corundum minerals, announced a new round of production capacity restriction actions starting from 1st, March, lasting for 60 days.

During this period, peak hour production restriction would be the main action that is expected to be implemented uninterruptedly, and electric power control will be taken as the measure so as to make sure production restriction conducted. Besides, overall production stoppage will be completely implemented during days of worst air pollution.

By the end of February, a total of 14 rounds of environmental governance and inspection have been implemented by local governments in Sanmenxia since 2017, with about half of those actions carried out in the last 8 months of this period, during which production facilities change from stoppage to limited production and then to stoppage again. The same situation happens to other regions in Henan province and also parts of Shanxi province, which has seriously affected supply for many refractory minerals.

China government has shown its determination to improve the environment by actions in the past 2 years, followed by the firm attitudes from local authorities in different cities of the country, which is impossible to change until the environment in China would have been improved. Refwin quoted unnamed sources, local authorities in Zhengzhou are doing works to release some high quality capacity by clarifying differentiated environmental policies to local smelting facilities, calcination and process plants i.e. “one plant, one policy”, by which it regulates what condition and what extent can a plant conduct production, which means some licensed plants are able to release more capacity even under severe air polluted conditions. This sounds to be a good news at current stage of supply risk.

In the winter of 2018-2019, it’s found that the overall market price for WFA, BFA, calcined bauxite shows no significant changes (calcined bauxite for some grades increased for dozens of yuan) in China market, although those minerals are all in extreme shortage of supply. The reason mainly lies in the depression of demands both from domestic and global market.

It seems that the market has entered a relatively stable status in China for refractory mineral under environmental protection implementation, in which various minerals are find their price position in the new market situation, at which it’s hard for them to get sharply up or down in price.

In 2019, the situation of bauxite ore ban plays a very key role in 2019 for alumina based refractory minerals, just like the dynamite ban plays the same very important role to magnesia-based refractory minerals. We have seen the price down of DBM and FM, after dynamite was available to parts of mine facilities in this year. The situation may turns to be clearer after NPC and CPPCC.

Jun 10

RHI Magnesita to Acquire Kümaş Manyezit AŞ

Conducting negotiations with international investors for the sale of Kümaş Manyezit Sanayi AŞ, Yıldız Holding made a statement to London Stock Exchange (LSE) announcing the signing of an exclusivity agreement with the Australian company RHI Magnesita.

The statement made by RHI Magnesita to LSE was as follows:”As announced previously, the Company continues to consider a potential transaction involving Kumas Manyezit Sanayi AS and the Company has entered into an exclusivity agreement with the sellers, Yıldız Holding A.Ş. and Gözde Girişim Sermayesi Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. As a market leader in its segment, RHI Magnesita regularly seeks to evaluate opportunities that may arise to participate in the ongoing consolidation of the refractory industry, however there can be no certainty that any transaction will occur.”

Jun 03

Andalusite edges towards market stabilisation

Improved production in most mining areas is prompting hopes that andalusite supply tightness may ease in the near to mid term, but prices are expected to stay firm due to strong end markets.

May 27

It’s a good time to be making steel

Section 232, a provision not known to many in the past, has been the topic of heated discussions in US political and industry circles since the administration of President Donald Trump imposed tariffs under that Section on steel and aluminium imports into the country.


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