Ene 20

Chinese magnesia exports up in 2018, prices firm on mining restrictions

China’s exports of all grades of magnesia were up in 2018 on an annual basis, and export prices kept firm on mining restrictions and strict environmental inspections.

China exported 747,073 tonnes of caustic calcined magnesia (CCM) in 2018, according to official Chinese data – up by 14.31% from 653,528 tonnes in 2017 in response to growing overseas demand.

Export values totaled $132.75 million, an increase of 36.64% year on year from $$97.15 million in 2017, while the average CCM export price rose by 19.46% to $178 per tonne. Prices were supported by mining restrictions and the strict environmental inspections in China which caused a reduction in mined raw materials.

The five largest importers of Chinese CCM in 2018 were Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, Taiwan and Indonesia.

CCM prices have remained firm throughout 2018 and in early 2019 on tight supply as China’s
government continues to restrict the use of explosives in mining. Fastmarkets assessed the magnesia, calcined, 90-92% MgO, fob China price at $180-220 per tonne on Tuesday  anuary 29, a level it has held since March 2018.

Fused magnesia exports

China exported 523,921 tonnes of fused magnesia (FM) in 2018, up 22.33% from 428,277 tonnes in 2017. Export revenue was $453.81 billion in 2018, up 87.10% from $242.55 million in 2017, customs data showed.

The five principal destinations for exports were the US, the Netherlands, Japan, Turkey and South Korea.

Fastmarkets IM’s price of fused magnesia, basis 97% MgO, Ca:Si 2:1, lump, fob China, was $1,200- 1,300 per tonne on Tuesday. This is up from $745-800 per tonne in July 2017 but down from $1,600- 1,800 per tonne at the start of 2018.

dead burned magnesia exports

Chinese dead burned magnesia (DBM) exports totaled 989,226 tonnes in 2018, up 11.88% from 884,203 tonnes in 2017.

Export revenue was $368.74 billion in 2018, up 85.07% year on year from $199.24 million, according to customs data.

The US, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea and India were the five main export  destinations.

The latest spot price for DBM basis 97.5% MgO, lump, fob China was $1,050-1,250 per tonne on Tuesday compared with $365-395 per tonne in July 2017 and $630-740 per tonne at the start of 2018.

Ene 13

China’s Refractory Production Decreased in Jan- Summary

Extracts of various articles from Refractory Window

Year to Date to Jan 2019, Production in 000’ Tons

Ene 07

China’s magnesia stocks up, prices down ahead of Lunar New Year holiday

Chinese export prices for fused magnesia (FM ) and dead burned magnesia (DBM) have gone on a downtrend, tracking recent falls in the domestic market after production resumed in Dashiqiao.

Chinese domestic prices for fused magnesia (FM) and dead-burned magnesia (DBM) have been on a downtrend since production was resumed by most magnesia producers in the city of Dashiqiao in Liaoning province, which in turn led to rising stock levels.

Dashiqiao closed all its DBM kilns, and some FM kilns, in October 2019 because of pollution-limitation inspections. But production has gradually resumed this yearwith producers meeting new emissions standards, increasing the domestic supply.

Exporters have also lowered their prices because of the falls in domestic prices.

Although magnesia prices drifted lower, downstream buyers showed limited buying interest because of the approach of the Lunar New Year holiday on February 4-10. Transport movements will begin to stop gradually from this week.
Fastmarkets’ assessment of the price for FM, 97% MgO (Ca:Si 1:1), was $950-1,050 per tonne fob China on Tuesday January 22, down from $1,000-1,100 per tonne the week before. The price for FM, 97% MgO (Ca:Si 2:1), was $1,200-1,300 per tonne on the same day, down week on week from $1,250-1,350 per tonne.

«Magnesia prices have fallen by 300-600 yuan [$44-88] per tonne in the domestic market on increased material availability, and we lowered our export prices this week following the domestic downtrend. While we have received a few inquiries, no deals have been concluded yet,» an exporter in Dalian told Fastmarkets.

«Magnesia prices are in a mess ahead of the Lunar New Year, with some suppliers selling at lower prices to boost cash flow, but some high-quality magnesia prices remained at a high level,» a trader said.

The price of DBM, 90% MgO, lump, was $230-260 per tonne fob China on January 22, down from $240-270 per tonne in the previous week.

The price for DBM, 97.5% MgO, lump, fell to $1,050-1,250 per tonne fob China on Tuesday from the previous $1,100-1,300 per tonne, while the price for DBM, 94-95% MgO, lump, was assessed at $580-630 per tonne fob China, also on Tuesday, down from $600-650 per tonne last week.

«We do not have a purchasing plan before the Lunar New Year,» a buyer said, «but we will watch the market carefully to see whether the Liaoning [regional] government will release explosives for use in mining in the first half of 2019.»

Dic 30

China’s magnesia: A year of restrictions and consolidation

Magnesia prices out of China have surged in 2018 following severe environmental restrictions. Carrie Shi, Fastmarkets IM market reporter, looks over the year of shutdowns and the effect on prices.

Dic 23

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