Feb 07

Webinar – Decarbonisation of the Energy Intensive Industries through renewables – 7 February

RE4Industry is hosting the webinar “Decarbonisation of Energy Intensive Industries through renewables”, on 7 February, from 10:00 – 11.30 (CET).


The online webinar will focus on the decarbonisation of the Energy Intensive Industries through renewables as one of the possible pathways for energy transition.

An inter sectoral perspective on potential solutions for the energy transition from steel, aluminium and chemicalsindustries will be presented followed by the RE4Industry Project existing achievements, with an interactive tool providing information on the carbon emissions of a specific installation among others.

Cerame-Unie’s Climate & Energy Policy Director Magdalena Vallebona, will join the event as guest speaker, intervening during the Panel Discussion “Sectoral Needs and Potential Solutions for Decarbonisation”.

To proceed with your registration and to consult the programme of the Event, please clink on the following LINK.

Feb 03

XI European Congress of Refractory Raw Materials, Machinery & Installation

Gold Sponsors                                                                   

Midegasa logo-3

  Silver Sponsors

Arciresa logo     Cementos Molins logoElkem logo   IMCD-Logo-Colour-RGB-scaled Keiron Chem logo

Supporting Partners

SGC LOGO CONFEVICEX[1]    Logo of Refwin   logo_refractories_zw - websmall

We are delighted to announce the XI European Congress of Refractory Raw Materials, Machinery & Installation, to be held at the Hotel Condes, Barcelona, 11-12 May 2022.

Co-organised by ANFRE, Spain (National Association of Manufacturers of Refractories, Materials and Related Services) and IMFORMED, this will be a stimulating conference focusing on key aspects of the refractory raw materials industry and enabling an excellent networking platform.


Confirmed Speakers

Fired Bauxite Aggregate: A European innovative sintered aggregate alternative to BFA for refractory applications
Fernando Lopez, ARCIRESA, Spain
Andalusite developments for refractories
Reinhardt van Rooyen, Sales and Marketing Executive, ARM Andalusite, South Africa
Picobello andalusite: a potential new source
Isti de Ujfalussy, President, Picobello Andalucita SL, Spain
The importance of Elkem Microsilica in refractory castables
Jose Ramon Luna, Global Marketing Manager, Elkem, Spain
Carbonxide M1: innovative technology to improve refractory products
Heinz Wimmer, Technical Advisor, Keiron Chemicals, Spain
Influence of refractory aggregates on mineralogical phase developement and castable properties using an improved 50 grade CAC
Ingrid Mikanovic, Laboratory Manager, Calucem, Germany
A new source of Brazilian bauxite for the refractories market
Marcio Lario, Business Development, Bautek Minerais Industrias Ltda, Brazil

The conference will start with a networking dinner on the evening of Wednesday 11 May at the wonderful El Cangrejo Loco, Port Olímpic, followed by the conference at the Hotel Condes, Barcelona, on Thursday 12 May.

Hotel + rest

Registration, Exhibit, & Sponsorship Enquiries

Ismene Clarke ismene@imformed.com | +44 (0)7905 771 494

Programme, Speaker Enquiries

Mike O’Driscoll mike@imformed.com | +44 (0)7985 986 255

BArca small

Ene 31

Publication of the Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy by the European Commission

The new guidelines, applicable as from January 2022, involve an alignment with the objectives and targets set out in the European Green Deal and with other recent regulatory changes and Commission proposals in the energy and environmental areas, including the Fit for 55 package.

The CEEAG broaden the categories of investments and technologies that Member States can support, cover aid for numerous areas relevant for the Green Deal, introduce changes to the current rules on reductions of electricity levies for energy intensive users and introduce safeguards to ensure that the aid is effectively directed where it is necessary.

The final document, which constitutes a large improvement for our sectors compared to the initial Commission draft, includes a methodology for the inclusion on the eligibility list for the reduction of the electricity levies. It differentiates between two categories of sectors: those at “significant risk of relocation”, eligible to 85% of compensation, and those at “risk of relocation”, eligible to 75% of compensation. The ceramic sectors at significant risk of relocation are: refractories, ceramic tiles and flags, sanitary fixtures, insulators and insulating fittings, and those corresponding to NACE codes including other technical ceramic products, other ceramic products, and other non-metallic mineral products. The ceramic sector at risk of relocation is the bricks and tiles one.

More information can be found here. (LP)

Ene 24


El Patronato del Fondo Ernst Abbe ha otorgado a la investigadora del CSIC Alicia Durán y socia honorífica de la SECV, el Premio de Investigación Otto Schott 2022. El premio se entregará en el 26° Congreso Internacional del Vidrio (ICG) en Berlín del 3 al 8 de julio de 2022.

El Premio de Investigación Otto Schott por logros científicos sobresalientes se presentó por primera vez en 1991. Desde entonces, el premio se otorga cada dos años para reconocer a investigadores excelentes por sus logros científicos y tecnológicos en la investigación básica y aplicada en los campos del vidrio, vitrocerámicos y materiales avanzados. Este premio de investigación está regido por la Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft y se convoca a nivel internacional. Por este motivo, la lista de ganadores incluye nombres de investigadores de EE. UU., Rusia, Japón, China y otros países europeos, así como físicos y químicos de Alemania. Alicia Durán es la primera investigadora española que alcanza este prestigioso galardón.

Ene 17

Nuevo ciclo de charlas SECV: Aperitivos de Cerámica Técnica

La Sección de Cerámica Técnica lanza un ciclo de presentaciones cortas que permita establecer colaboraciones dentro de la sección y la SECV en general. Serán reuniones telemáticas mensuales de 15 minutos, incluyendo preguntas y una breve discusión. Adelantamos ya  la presentación inaugural a cargo de la Dra. Alodia Orera (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza) el día 19 de enero de 2022, que lleva por título “Cerámicas para dispositivos electroquímicos y tecnologías de H2«.

Os animamos a que asistáis y os apuntéis como futuros ponentes cumplimentando el siguiente formulario pinchando aquí.

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