2022 PRE Congress | 1-3 June | Vienna, Austria
It is our absolute pleasure to invite you to attend the 2022 European Ceramic Days (22ECD), to be held on 28-29-30 November 2022 in Brussels, and more particularly to the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) scheduled for 29 November at the European Parliament, which will be followed by the EPCF Cocktail and a Commemorative Dinner, marking the 60th Anniversary of Cerame-Unie.
Due to the positive evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to announce that the 22ECD will be held as an in-person event. However, CU Members will still be able to join the Sectoral Meetings remotely (via Webex conference calls).
The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities.
The EPCF has hosted multiple debates and high-level meetings on various subjects of key importance to the ceramic industry, including climate policy, energy transition, trade policy, decarbonisation and the role of electrification, circular economy, etc. During the 27th Plenary Meeting held on 16 November 2021, the EPCF focused on the decarbonisation of Ceramics under the “Fit for 55” package and on the need for access to sustainable finance under the Green Taxonomy Regulation.
This year and as illustrated in the Ceramic Roadmap to 2050: Continuing our Path to Climate Neutrality (published in November of 2021), the EPCF will focus on the essential role that the ceramic industry plays in the implementation of the Green Deal throughout its numerous and strategic value chains, thanks to its global champions (mostly SMEs) providing over 200.000 direct local jobs in virtually all EU Member States.
We would be honoured to welcome you to the 22ECD, in all or part of these events. Please find below the Programme of the 22ECD:

Please register your participation in the 22ECD through the following LINK, before Friday 28 October.
Once you submit the form you should receive an automated confirmation of your registration, by email, shortly after. If you do not receive confirmation (remember to check spam!) or have any questions regarding your registration, please do not hesitate to contact us through events@cerameunie.eu.
Further information, such as remote connection details and agendas of the meetings, will follow in due time. (IF)