May 22

REGISTER NOW | PRE Congress 2023 | 21-23 June | Prague, Czech Republic

We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 2023 PRE Congress, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 21 – 23 June 2023.


This year’s Congress is kindly hosted by the Czech and Slovak Association of Refractory Manufacturers and sponsored by sponsored by  VESUVIUS ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA, a.s, Possehl Erzkontor GmbH, o.z., KOMATEQ a.s., SK – MINERALS s.r.o., Slovenské magnezitové závody, akciová spoločnosť, Jelšava, TransLog Slovakia, a.s., SCHENKER spol. s r.o. and Minervit s.r.o.

We are hoping for a high attendance and we encourage all PRE Members to share this invitation with their member companies. For that purpose, please find here the Programme of the event. A more detailed programme will follow in the coming months.

All meetings will be held at the Corinthia Hotel Prague (Kongresová 1, 140 69 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia). In parallel to the PRE Congress, there will be an exciting programme to discover the beautiful city of Prague.


All meetings will be held at the Corinthia Hotel Prague. PRE Members can secure rooms at discounted rates until 19 May 2023 through the following LINK.
The following room categories (incl. breakfast) are available (prices per room/night):

  • Single room:
    • € 155 per room / night – single occupation

Double room:

  • € 165 per room / night – single occupation

We strongly advise you to make your reservation as soon as possible to secure room’s availability and special rates.
Deadline for booking of accommodation:

  • 19 May 2023: All rooms not booked by this date will be automatically returned to the hotel.


To register for the 2023 PRE Congress please complete the Online Registration Form before Friday 26 May 2023.

Note: Once you submit the form you should receive an automated confirmation of your registration by email shortly thereafter. If you do not receive confirmation (remember to check spam!), please contact Cecilia Piqué at

The meeting agendas, workshop programmes and further information, will be sent in due time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require additional information or any assistance.
We look forward to seeing you in Prague, for the 2023 PRE Congress!

May 16

ITC-AICE difunde a escala internacional los resultados de LIFE Hypobrick, que ha obtenido ladrillos sin cocción

El consorcio del proyecto europeo Life Hypobrick, coordinado por el Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE) celebró el 30 de marzo en Madrid, en la Sala Europa de la representación en España de la Comisión Europea, el evento final del proyecto, al que asistieron 88 personas y que dio a conocer tanto las características como los resultados y avances de esta acción que contó con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea a través del Programa Life (Ref.: LIFE18 CCM/ES/001114).


En la cita, titulada “Hacia una construcción sostenible, circular y sin emisiones de CO2: nuevos materiales y procesos”, se explicó la implantación de un nuevo proceso de fabricación de ladrillos con un consumo de energía extremadamente bajo, con la consecuente reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera, y con el uso de residuos como material de partida, concretamente, vidrio de tubos de rayos catódicos, que actualmente van a vertederos, y residuos cerámicos cocidos. La etapa de cocción se ha eliminado, siendo sustituida por la activación alcalina, a una temperatura de proceso de unos 80 °C y con una reducción de emisiones de CO2 de un 68% teniendo en cuenta las emisiones de preparación de los activadores alcalinos. Además, se ha construido un demostrador consistente en un muro de 20 m de largo por 3 m de alto en el que se han empleado 9.000 ladrillos, ubicado en la entrada de las instalaciones de Ladrillos Mora, en Illescas (Toledo). Estos ladrillos sostenibles miden 24x11x4 cm y tienen una masa de unos 2 kg.

En la apertura de la reunión internacional se contó con la representación de la Comisión Europea en España, el supervisor general del proyecto en Europa, Kryzstof Wojcik, perteneciente al LIFE Programme (CINEA), y el Dr. Javier García-Ten, responsable del Área de Materiales y Tecnologías Cerámicas del Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE), que ha liderado la investigación en el instituto.

Tras la apertura, Kryzstof Wojcik explicó las características del Programa LIFE y las buenas prácticas y nuevas oportunidades que ofrece. Como se ha mencionado, es, además de formar parte de la Agencia Ejecutiva Europea del Clima, Infraestructuras y Medio Ambiente, el supervisor europeo de Life Hypobrick.

A continuación, la Dra. Ana Mezquita, investigadora senior del Área de Sostenibilidad de ITC-AICE, explicó el contexto europeo y los requerimientos en políticas de energía. Seguidamente intervino Antonio Mateos, director de Energía de la Asociación de Fabricantes de Ladrillos y Tejas de Arcilla Cocida (Hispalyt).

Por su parte, la Dra. María Criado, del Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC) tituló su ponencia “¡Creando nuevos ladrillos!: tecnología de activación alcalina”.

Después, la dra. Mónica Vicent, una de las principales artífices de Life Hypobrick en ITC-AICE, ofreció su conferencia: “Life Hypobrick: Hacia una economía hipocarbónica. Desarrollo de materiales de construcción ‘no cocidos’ a partir de residuos”, mientras que Diego García-Forgeda, de Ladrillos Mora, participante en el proyecto, habló sobre “Emisiones cero: adaptación del sistema de fabricación cerámico”.

El siguiente en intervenir fue Jens Geduhn, de la empresa alemana Schlagmann Poroton GmBH&Co.KG, también participante en el proyecto Life Hypobrick, a quien siguió otro miembro del consorcio del proyecto, el catedrático de la Universidad de Nuremberg (THN), Wolfgang Krcmar, quien explicó el estado actual de la investigación en geopolímeros orientados a materiales de construcción.

En suma, en este encuentro se puso de manifiesto que Life Hypobrick es un ejemplo de economía circular al haber hecho posible la fabricación de ladrillos sostenibles a partir de residuos de otros sectores y sin utilizar la etapa de cocción, contribuyendo así a la lucha por los efectos negativos del cambio climático.

May 08

CEIPM 2023 – Foro de discusión técnica y científica para la comunidad pulvimetalúrgica Nacional e Iberoamericana

Es un placer anunciar que el VIII Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia (III Congreso Iberoamericano) CEIPM 2023 tendrá lugar en Donostia-San Sebastián entre los días 29, 30 y 31 de Mayo de 2023.

Les damos la bienvenida desde el comité organizador que quiere mostrar su compromiso con la tradición de congresos de ediciones anteriores, desde su comienzo en 2006, y que son reconocidos como un foro de discusión técnica y científica para la comunidad pulvimetalúrgica Nacional y, desde 2017, también para la Iberoamericana.

CEIPM 2023 pretende ser un lugar de intercambio de ideas y experiencias entre el mundo académico y de la industria, mostrando las últimas innovaciones y tendencias con posibilidad de sus aplicaciones en el mercado. En este congreso tienen cabida desde los aspectos básicos de ciencia de materiales a los últimos logros en las tecnologías de fabricación, aplicaciones industriales y su integración en la denominada economía circular.

CEIPM 2023 será una plataforma ideal para promover los contactos personales entre los miembros de nuestra comunidad. Tod@s, desde profesionales con amplia experiencia académica y/o industrial a estudiantes que comienzan su andadura en el mundo de la pulvimetalurgia, sois bienvenid@s.


Lugar de intercambio de ideas y experiencias entre el mundo académico y de la industria, mostrando las últimas innovaciones y tendencias del mercado.


En este congreso tienen cabida desde los aspectos básicos de ciencia de materiales a los últimos logros en las tecnologías de fabricación, aplicaciones industriales y su integración en la denominada economía circular.


Plataforma ideal para promover los contactos personales entre profesionales con amplia experiencia académica y/o industrial y estudiantes que comienzan su andadura en el mundo de la pulvimetalurgia.


Áreas Temáticas
  • Fabricación de polvo
  • Fabricación aditiva
  • Otras técnicas de procesamiento PM
  • Materiales ligeros
  • Materiales funcionales
  • Materiales duros y ultraduros
  • Piezas PM estructurales
  • Técnicas de caracterización
  • Modelización
  • Aplicaciones

Inscripción posterior al 19 de abril

Inscripción: 550€ + iva
Tarifa estudiante: 300€ +iva

posterior al 19 de abril

Inscripción: 550€ + iva
Tarifa estudiante: 300€ +iva

• Acceso a las sesiones científicas.
• Cóctel de bienvenida día 29 Mayo 2023
• Almuerzos y cafés incluidos en el programa. Día 29, 30 y 31 Mayo 2023
• Cena del congreso. Día 30 Mayo 2023

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  • La inscripción no será confirmada hasta que se haya recibido el pago.

Una vez completado el proceso de inscripción recibirá un correo electrónico con la confirmación de la inscripción y con la factura generada por el pago.

Realizar inscripción

May 02

MagForum 2023 Grand Hotel Dino, Baveno, Lake Maggiore 30 May – 1 June 2023

The conference for all those active in the development, supply, processing, logistics, and market application of magnesium minerals.

MagForum is our largest event and regularly attracts some 250 senior management players from across the global magnesia supply chain from mine to market.

MagForum 2023 will bring together a panel of leading experts to examine and discuss the latest trends and developments in the magnesia minerals market.

Confirmed Speakers*

Welcome Address: Celebrating 120 years of serving the magnesia market
LEHVOSS Group, Germany

Italian olivine for industrial applications including CO2 sequestration
Nuova Cives Srl, Italy

Biomass use in magnesite calcination
John Robert McFarlane, Owner, AlbionDesign GmbH, Switzerland

Developments for magnesia-minerals in carbon capture & sequestration
Pol Knops, Chief Technical Officer, Paebbl, Netherlands

Scaling ocean carbon dioxide removal with low-carbon magnesium hydroxide
Jason Vallis, VP Operations, Planetary Technologies, Canada

Transforming CO2 from magnesite production into added-value construction products
Dr. David Konlechner, Owner, KON Chemical Solutions eU, Austria

Turkmag: DBM from Erzurum (eastern Turkey) to the World
Altuğ Çakmur, CFO, Turkmag Madencilik San. Ve Tic. AŞ, Turkey

Middle East magnesia supply developments
Ahmad Samara, Sales and Business Development Partner, Future Canvas, Jordan

Japan MgO market update | Thermal conductive MgO filler | MgO approaches for the environment market
Kazuaki Hamada, Director, et al, Ube Material Industries Ltd, Japan

High grade natural caustic calcined magnesia supply from Pakistan
Adnan Essa, Managing Director, Pak Minerals & Refractory Industry, Pakistan

Brucite, huntite, & hydromagnesite: sources & supply
Dr Ian Wilson, Ian Wilson Consultancy, UK

Magnesium hydroxide & magnesium sulphate: applications review and outlook
Samantha Wietlisbach, Head of Inorganics & Minerals Research & Analysis, S&P Global Commodity Insights, Switzerland

Magnesia cements: review & recent research & development
Dr Colum McCague, Technical Manager: MPA Cement, Mineral Products Association, UK

Magnesium oxide in the dental investment market
Peter Holland, Managing Director, Cermatpro Ltd, UK

Refractory grade magnesia: market review
Ted Dickson, TAK Industrial Minerals, UK & Charles Semler, Semler Materials Services, USA

Refractory mineral supply chains: Zero China & Cold Peace
James Devlin, Managing Director, China Mineral Processing Sales Europe, UK

FULL PROGRAMME DETAILS HERE    *subject to change

Field Trip: Nuova Cives, Vidracco | Tuesday 30 May

NC logo

With >50 years olivine and magnesite exploration, mining, processing and trading, Nuova Cives is one of the leading producers of olivine for a wide range of markets, supplying aggregates, sands, fine sands, micronised sands, and micronised powders. More details here.

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For this year’s MagForum venue we have chosen the excellent Grand Hotel Dino on the shore of Lake Maggiore at Baveno, Italy.


Beautiful Lake Maggiore is the second largest lake in Italy, and the largest in southern Switzerland. Located halfway between Lake Orta and Lake Lugano, Lake Maggiore extends for about 65km between Locarno and Arona.

The hotel is just 50mins from Milan International Malpensa Airport (more hotel details here).

Delegates on MagForum 2022


It was great having the chance to meet everybody after quite a while and you chose a perfect location and everything was perfectly organised.
Ellen Steger, Head of Region Europe, Possehl Erzkontor GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Always looking forward to attend MagForum. Congratulations Mike and Ismene for consistently organising this platform for all of us to meet and share market insights.
Himanshu Sharma, General Manager Refractory Raw Materials, Global Monarch FZC, UAE

Very well organised and very useful programme, provides all necessary information, Roundtables were informative
Mike Clark, Research Engineer, HarbisonWalker International, USA

Congratulations for a very well-organised event. Great pleasure seeing you all.
Dimitris Kalogeropoulos, Manager Corporate Strategy, Grecian Magnesita SA, Greece


Join the MagForum community LI group MagForum

Finale Lunch on the Lake | Thursday 1 June


Hosted by 14001_Lehvoss_Group_RGB   IMFORMED_Logo_NoName_Solo_150RGB

Lunch at the end of the conference, Thursday 1 June, will be at the Ristorante Italia on Isola Pescatori (Fishermen’s Island), the most picturesque of the Borromean Islands, just 10min boat ride from the hotel jetty.

Pescatori Is Restaraunt

After lunch one can tour the ancient village on Pescatori, and have the option to travel to neighbouring Isola Bella, hosting the sumptuous Baroque palace and luxuriant Italian gardens.

Precise timings and details to be advised in Programme coming soon | LIMITED SPACES: BE SURE TO TICK BOX WITH ONLINE REGISTRATION OR ADVISE ISMENE CLARKE

Programme Outline

Tuesday 30 May 2023
08:00-16:00 (timing to be confirmed)
FIELD TRIP: Olivine mine & plant, Vidracco
Hosted by

 NC logo
18:00 Welcome Reception & Networking
sponsored by

Wednesday 31 May 2023
09:00-17:00 Presentations & Discussion
Lunch sponsored by

Evening Reception
sponsored by

 RHI-Magnesita_Logo_Grey - web large
Thursday 1 June 2023
09:00-12:30 Presentations & Discussion
Finale Lunch on the Lake
sponsored by


Abr 24

Salt market to grow as new sources & challenges face industry

Review of IMFORMED’s inaugural Salt Forum 2022 Hamburg

In response to market demand, IMFORMED launched its inaugural Salt Forum in Hamburg last year at the Grand Elysée Hotel, 15-17 November. And what a success it turned out to be!

The event drew leading international players and experts from across the salt industry spectrum to present, discuss, and network across a wide range of topics shaping the market’s outlook – these included global market overviews, solar salt, desalination, Canada’s new source, MENA production, food grade salt, salt recovery, and salt drying innovations (reviewed below).

Title Image Sunshine on Salt: the operations of Walvis Bay Salt cover 5,000ha on the coast of Namibia, the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa; 90m m3 of seawater is processed to produce >900,000 tpa of high quality salt; Salt Forum 2023 includes a visit to this facility. Insets: Deicing is one of salt’s primary markets; Patrick Laracy, CEO, Atlas Salt speaking at Salt Forum 2022. Courtesy Walvis Bay Salt

LI post

The overall programme was good and knowledge orientated, good venue and well managed.
Sateesh Marihal, Manager Operations, Chowgule & Co. (Salt) Pvt Ltd, India

Good programme, interesting conversations, and good audience.
Ruud Cleveringa, Sales Manager De-icing Salt, ICL Europe, Netherlands

I enjoyed the conference very much and thought it was of an excellent quality.
Nils van der Plas, Executive Advisor, NEOM, Netherlands

Free Fluorine Forum 2022 Summary Slide Deck Download here 

Missed attending the Forum? A full PDF set of presentations available for purchase.

Please contact Ismene Clarke T: +44 (0)7905 771 494

This vital industrial mineral, of which about 335m tonnes is produced worldwide and 50m tonnes exported by >50 countries, deserves a regular, well-organised conference, providing an international networking and knowledge sharing hub.

IMFORMED aims to fulfil this requirement in light of the demise of the World Salt Symposium, and more recently, Roskill’s Salt Conference. Salt Forum 2022 has given the initiative a fantastic start and demonstrated the industry’s appetite for such a conference.

To that end, we are delighted to invite the market to join us on the beautiful west coast of Namibia for Salt Forum 2023, at the Strand Hotel Swakopmund, Namibia, 6-9 November 2023, with the exclusive opportunity to visit the operations of Walvis Bay Salt, the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as participate in a range of spectacular sight-seeing activities – Full Details Here.

Salt23 HP tablet3



Preceding the conference we were delighted to host a 1-Day Salt Training Seminar “Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Salt”, devised and supervised by Vladimir Sedivy, President, Salt Partners Ltd, co-operating with Stefan Schlag, Owner, Salt Market Information.

The select delegate group enjoyed a focused seminar on a range of topics including salt properties, resources, production, processing, handling, marketing, consumption, economics and environmental issues.

Following a very convivial evening Welcome Reception, the conference opened with series of market overviews before sessions on more specific industry aspects.

The world of salt supply & demand
Mike O’Driscoll, Director, IMFORMED, UK

O’Driscoll introduced the conference with a brief scene-setter, highlighting the key features of salt production, trade, and demand.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected production and consumption of salt globally in 2020 and 2021. World production reached a record of >330m tonnes in 2019, increasing by an average of 1% y-o-y from 2010 to 2019.

In 2021, the USA was the largest salt importer, at 24.7m tonnes, sourcing from Chile, Canada, Mexico, and Egypt.

Deicing and chloralkali chemicals were the primary uses for salt, together, with almost equal shares, accounting for 81% of US consumption in 2021. The European salt market is dominated by chemicals, 53%, followed by deicing, agriculture, water treatment, and others.

New emerging salt source projects in Canada and Australia were also highlighted.


Salt market trends & outlook
Stefan Schlag, Salt Market Information, Switzerland

Schlag outlined the main reasons for future uncertainty in the market, which is expected to remain, and focused on possible scenarios and their impact on the salt market, noting that impacts differ with world regions and downstream markets.

Recession will have a small effect on economic cycles on salt consumption in food, feed, water treatment, medical and pharmaceutical uses. However, use of salt in the chemical industry will have a pronounced effect.

Salt consumption is expected to grow globally, with the main growth driver being increasing demand from the Asian chemical industry. The expected recession, and the war in Ukraine will lead to slow growth or stagnating salt consumption in North America and Western Europe.

Decreasing consumption of salt is also expected in the important high volume de-icing market. Reasons are the more efficient use of salt, and in the longer term the effects of climate change.

Additional capacities from large scale solar salt-rock salt, and recycling salt projects may be absorbed at slower than expected rates.


Global salt supply: growth market insight & developments
Euston Witbooi, Research Analyst, Project Blue, South Africa

Witbooi reviewed salt demand and long term outlook, the drivers of salt demand, the supply landscape, growth market insights, forecasts, new projects, ramp ups and potential shortages.

Global salt demand is forecast to be greater than 500m tonnes by 2050 with growth driven by the chloralkali industry. The current supply deficit could be prolonged over the medium term if key solar salt projects do not come on stream as expected.

The current and future variability of supply from key salt producing countries due to climate change is a major concern as it can significantly impact supply chains, especially exports.

With an increased focus on ESG factors determining the feasibility of potential projects, the lead time for projects to come on stream may be prolonged, again having the potential to impact supply chains.



Solar salt for the chlor-alkali market
Vladimir Sedivy, President, Salt Partners Ltd, Switzerland

Sedivy started by comparing the different salt production processes by share of world production and relative purity yielded, highlighting the significant increase in detected impurities over the years.

Brine purification costs were then examined in relation to salt prices, before discussing the principles and merits of the HYDROSAL Process.

Sedivy concluded that solar salt can reach the quality of vacuum salt at a fraction of vacuum salt cost:

  • High purity salt makes primary brine purification redundant
  • With pure salt, anion removal systems are not required
  • With pure salt, membrane life of up to 8 years is possible
  • With pure salt, plant operating cost is reduced
  • With pure salt, plant extra capacity is not required
  • With pure salt, loss of production is avoided
  • High purity salt can be EUR 20.33 / t or 74.6% more expensive than washed salt for the same chlorine production economy calculated in the example
  • Each case must be examined considering specific costs


NEOM project: will ZLD desalination be a gamechanger for the global salt market?
Nils van der Plas, Executive Advisor, NEOM, the Netherlands

A most intriguing and ambitious project was explained by van der Plas which, in his words, will generate the question: “Will the future of water determine the future of salt?”

NEOM is a planned “smart city” in Tabuk province in north-west Saudi Arabia. NEOM stands for New Future, and is a combination of the Greek Neo (new) and the Arabic Mim/Mustaqbal (future).

An adequate water supply will of course be a paramount requirement for such a new city. Enowa, the energy, water, and hydrogen subsidiary of NEOM, ITOCHU, and Veolia, have agreed to collaborate to develop a first-of-its-kind selective brine desalination, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) plant powered by 100% renewable energy in Oxagon, NEOM’s planned advanced manufacturing and innovation city.

Van der Plas set out to explain how ZLD desalination may change the competitive landscape of salt.

NEOM will need 500,000 m3/day water in Phase 1 (two trains of 250,000 m3/day), and for Phase 2 another 250,000 m3/day.

The planned ZLD plant to meet this water demand is expected on stream in 2024. As well as producing water, the project envisages an impressive array of commercially useful co-products: an estimated annual production of 11.3m tonnes salt, and in addition, volumes of caustic soda, chlorine, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, gypsum, and lithium carbonate among others (see chart).

It was outlined how NEOM sourced salt could supply the primary consuming market sectors of salt, taking advantage of the ZLD plant’s high purity brine source, low energy costs, and optimal logistics.

Van der Plas suggested the ZLD Desalination initiative could start a move towards “Ocean Brine Mining” and away from sensitive underground salt mining operations in a highly populated Europe and/or huge land occupation in key development areas.

There is no doubt that should NEOM come to fruition, it would certainly have some impact on the salt market.

Van der Plas concluded by saying: “NEOM invites you to re-invent the salt value chain, starting upstream, towards 100% sustainability.”

van der Plas


North American salt market
Patrick Laracy, CEO, Atlas Salt Inc., Canada

Laracy provided a fine summary of the North American salt market covering the main salt deposits by type, production, and the mine locations, before focusing on the deicing market, which totals almost 40m tpa salt.

The US imported 14.7m tonnes of salt in 2021, a net import reliance of 30%; import sources of salt since 2014 have included Chile (42m tonnes in total), Canada, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, Bahamas, Peru, and Morocco.

Primary domestic salt markets by region are: East Coast – New England, 3-5m tonnes; Mid Atlantic, 4-6m tonnes; US Mid-West – Great Lakes 7-8.5m tonnes; River Supply 7-8m tonnes; Canada – Ontario 3-4m tonnes; Atlantic Canada, 3.5-5m tonnes.

The main influencing factors for the North American salt industry are:

  • Shipping cost volatility / Supply Chain
  • Fuel costs / emissions
  • ESG considerations
  • Climate change
  • Average mine age 71 years … Last mine 22 years then 50 years
  • Mississippi water issues – barge traffic
  • Consumption projected to increase

Laracy then introduced Atlas Salt’s Great Atlantic Project, which features the shallowest salt deposit in North America being advanced toward a mine, and is located in the heart of the robust eastern North America road salt market.

Great Atlantic would become the first salt deposit in North America accessed through inclined ramps versus more costly vertical shafts, upon potential production

The project is envisaged as a highly efficient, low cost and scalable decades-long producer that can significantly reduce reliance on overseas imports.


Rising global demand for Egyptian deicing salt
Saddam Elsharef, President, Saddam Minerals Co., Egypt

Salt from Egypt is well known for its high purity. The country’s production ranges 2.5-3.5m tpa, with about 1.5m tpa consumed in domestic markets, with the remainder exported for deicing in Europe and North America.

Established in 1990, Saddam Minerals is one of the leading salt producers of Egypt producing 700,000 tpa rock salt from its Siwa Oasis mine and 500,000 tpa marine salt from its North Sinai mine.

Saddam Minerals is looking to increase its production to 1.5m tpa.


Salt production in the MENA region
Essam Madbouly, Consultant, K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies, Germany

Madbouly presented an overview of salt production and demand in the MENA region, including a focus on Saudi Arabia.

He reviewed the parameters for constructing a solar salt operation in the region, and focused on examples of solar salt operations in Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

The Shuaiba Solar farm was highlighted as the largest solar salt farm in the Gulf area located 120km south of Jeddah with an area of 5.7m m2 and production capacity of 300,000 tpa salt.

The solar salt industry is unique in its requirements for successful operation, which differ from any other industry. Solar salt projects depend upon:

  • Site location property.
  • Good climatic conditions.
  • A good bearing for soil .
  • Salinity of intake brine and phase chemistry.
  • High technology for washing salt unit.



Food grade sea salt demand growth: the boosting factors
Dr Giulio Piazzolla, Export Director, SAI-Sali Alimentari e Industriali srl, Italy

Piazzolla started by outlining the different salt types which contribute to the annual 100m tonnes of salt consumed in food.

Sea salt is the salt source of choice for consumers and food processors, mainly down to its unique sensory taste, health and ethnic purposes, and mandatory regulation and fortification.

Piazolla explained the mandatory certifications, fortifications and labelling required for salt grades supplied for both human and animal food consumption.

Food grade sea salt demand is growing by some 2.8-3.5% annually. Key influencing factors on market demand include increasing population, changing lifestyles, and force majeure events (eg. pandemic, war, weather). Costs for packaging and logistics have also risen.

There are two technologies which can support cost reduction and de-carbonisation efforts in the salt manufacturing industry: the implementation of electric boilers to generate steam; and the implementation of mechanical vapour recompressors (MVR) to vaporise the brine.


Recovery of salt from produced water coming from shale gas applications
Kerstin Hirsch, Business Development Manager, SEP Salt & Evaporation Plants Ltd, Switzerland

Recycling of salt is evolving fast as producers and users alike strive to make their operations and processes more sustainable. Here, Hirsch provides an interesting example of salt recovery from shale gas fracking.

Hirsch provided an overview of hydraulic fracturing, related waste water handling, before concentrating on the case study of waste water crystallisation.

The waste water from fracking has high salinity, contains chemicals, hydrocarbons and naturally occurring radioactive materials.

Treatment options are challenging, and changing compositions and unknown constituents require flexibility and good know-how for the selected treatment methods.

However, as Hirsch demonstated, it is possible to crystallise salt of road salt quality, and moreover, have zero liquid waste material at the end of the treatment chain, with the added bonus of recovering co-products such as calcium chloride, strontium chloride and barium chloride.



Developments on fossil fuel free drying of salt using low temperature fluidised bed technology
Maarten Holtkamp, Commercial Director, TEMA Process BV, Netherlands

Holtkamp explained that to use salt, drying is needed to achieve the required humidity using fossil fuel combustion.

The extreme fluctuations on price and delivery stability of fossil fuels, and not least the impact on climate change, means that with current drying technology the salt industry is very vulnerable to these impacts.

The current solution for drying of salt is the use of fluidised bed technology using fossil fuel as a heating source, drying air temperatures up to 350°c, and alternative use of electric heaters.

Holtkamp outlined TEMA’s alternative solution: the design of a low temperature dryer, only working at 120°C max., using integration of a heat pump as an alternative heating source compared to a burner.

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat at low temperature to a high temperature using a mechanical force. Exhaust gases are also used as a heat source to avoid loss of energy.

Use of the new dryer can reduce energy consumption by >65% and can reduce energy costs by >30%. Employment of solar panels (PV) will further improve the OPEX, and CO2 emissions are avoided.


Innovations in salt drying systems
Robert van Voorst, Managing Director, Titan Salt, Netherlands

Van Voorst outlined Titan Salt’s technology and integrated approach to salt drying processes.

This included a review of the integrated system design, dewatering and drying, reduction of energy usage (in the dryer), slurry highway design, E-Leg salt slurry extraction, designed head tank, wet salt feed configuration, automatic power wash system, and pharmaceutical salt grade drying.

Van voorst

Thanks & hope to see you at Salt Forum 2023 Swakopmund, Namibia!

We are indebted to the support and participation our partners, speakers, and delegates for making our inaugural Salt Forum 2022 such a success, and ensuring a fruitful and most enjoyable time was had by all.

We very much look forward to meeting you again and repeating the experience, but this time on the spectacular coast of Namibia!
Please join us at Salt Forum 2023, at the Strand Hotel Swakopmund, Namibia, 6-9 November 2023, with the exclusive opportunity to visit the operations of Walvis Bay Salt, as well as participate in a range of spectacular sight-seeing activities – Full Details Here.

Registration, Sponsor & Exhibit enquiries: Ismene Clarke T: +44 (0)7905 771 494

Presentation & programme enquiries: Mike O’Driscoll T: +44 (0)7985 986255

Free Fluorine Forum 2022 Summary Slide Deck Download here 
Missed attending the Forum? A full PDF set of presentations available for purchase.
Please contact Ismene Clarke T: +44 (0)7905 771 494

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