Nov 13

CERAMICS CHINA 2024 Scheduled for June 25-28

CERAMICS CHINA, the global flagship event for the ceramic equipment and materials industry, will welcome its 38th edition on June 25th ~ 28th, 2024 in Guangzhou, China. Gathering global elite companies and industrial excellencies, CERAMICS CHINA shares the best business opportunities of broader cooperation for future prospects.
As the important platform of technological exchange and trade cooperation for the global ceramics industry, CERAMICS CHINA has been gathering new technology, new materials, new processes, new equipment, including products of full production chains, assembling leading innovations, advanced concepts and operation wisdom, so as to offer the comprehensive All-in-One service for exhibitors, buyers and visitors.


Historical exhibitors of CERAMICS CHINA are from 30 countries and regions including China, Italy, Spain, Germany, the UK, France, USA, Japan, Korea, India, etc. Local visitors cover over 300 cities in mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, while foreign visitors are from more than 80 countries including India, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, etc.

Expected exhibition scale in 2024

80,000+ square meterss                                                      700+ global exhibitors                                    80,000+ visitors & buyers

Gathering with Global Innovations
Nearly a thousand excellent suppliers of equipment and materials from home and abroad will gather again in the 38th edition of CERAMICS CHINA 2024 on June 25th-28th, 2024, to display their high-quality products, leading technologies and solutions including production and finishing equipment, raw materials, decorative materials, refractories, grinding materials, spare parts, moulds, tools, design services, etc., for producers from building ceramics, sanitaryware, tableware, artistic ceramics and industrial ceramics.
On this occasion, global ceramic stakeholders will focus on:

Reveal from Last Edition
CERAMICS CHINA 2023 gathers a total of 682 exhibitors from 16 countries and regions, including mainland China, Italy, Germany, Spain, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Korea, Japan, Russia, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Among them, there are 310 companies of machine and spare parts, accounting for 45%; 218 of raw materials and decorative materials, accounting for 32%; 126 of refractories and abrasives, accounting for 19%; and 28 of others, accounting for 4%.

Last edition received total 60,360 visitors, in which visitors from mainland China account for 88.96%; visitors from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan account for 1.84%. The top 10 provinces are Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Henan, Hebei, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan.
Oversea visitors account for 9.2%, coming from 60 countries. The top 10 countries are India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Russia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, Belarus.




Comments from Exhibitors and Visitors
Paolo Mongardi, President of Sacmi Group: We attend CERAMICS CHINA every year. In this platform, we can communicate with our clients on various topics including technological innovation, industry transformation, corporate future development, environment friendly, efficient productivity, etc. We aim at offering the most leading as well as the best products & services for our clients.

WAN Peng, President of Jumper: Jumper has been continuously attending CERAMICS CHINA for nearly 20 years with our own growth. We wish to join hand in hand with industry colleagues upon efficient communication and cooperation, to improve the general technological standard and product quality for All-Win in the coming future.

LI Zhanhua, President of Modena: We have had deep communication with global clients during CERAMICS CHINA. We can not only understand the latest demand of products and service from the market, but also grasp new status of new technology, new resources and new market trends, etc. The excellent exhibition can help us to expand our new partnership and team competence, also better optimize our product strategy.

HE Xinming, President of Dongpeng Holdings: I am very happy to again receive the invitation from the organizer, and also glad to visit many stands of equipment and materials suppliers. The exhibiting scale of CERAMICS CHINA is very big with various exhibit categories covering raw materials, equipment and finishing process, which offers very good options for visitors.

XU Junqi, President of Hualian: It was a great and fruitful visit to CERAMICS CHINA as it displayed the latest technology, equipment, process from ceramic industry. We have noticed that there are many new process, new technology and new equipment on show, such as hydrogen kiln, intelligent equipment, etc. I sincerely wish that CERAMICS CHINA will be better and better. We will definitely organize visiting delegation next year.

TAN Zhijin, Factory Director of Arrow Group: CERAMICS CHINA gathers global leading new technology, new process, new materials, new equipment of ceramic production. Every year, our company will organize our visiting delegation of production, R&D, procurement to visit the exhibition. The exhibits on display cover full variety of products in which more machines and equipment than that of last edition. Our team are satisfied with the general participation at CERAMICS CHINA. 

Nov 07

ITC-AICE estudia las superficies funcionales de otros sectores para aplicarlas en la cerámica

El Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE), con el apoyo del Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) y mediante los Fondos FEDER de Desarrollo Regional, está inmerso en un estudio en profundidad de las técnicas de funcionalización de superficies en distintos sectores de la producción industrial para poder aplicarlas al sector cerámico en el marco del proyecto denominado Funker.

La cerámica puede ir más allá de cumplir la función de revestir pavimentos o paredes, puesto que mediante determinadas tecnologías se la puede dotar de nuevas funcionalidades que le proporcionen un plus, como ya se ha logrado en el caso de las superficies cerámicas antideslizantes, biocidas y autolimpiables, entre otras.

Por eso, el objetivo del proyecto Funker, en el que también colaboran las empresas Estudio Cerámico, S.L., y Hermanos Llansola, S.L., realiza una prospectiva de funciones superficiales de otros materiales desarrollados en distintos sectores. Posteriormente se llevará a cabo un análisis de la viabilidad de la implantación industrial de aquellas que resulten de mayor interés en los productos cerámicos.

Con esto se pretende proporcionar a las empresas cerámicas fabricantes distintas opciones de funcionalización del material cerámico que incrementen su valor añadido, obteniendo materiales inteligentes capaces de responder a estímulos externos y proporcionar propiedades innovadoras que aporten soluciones a los principales retos sociales y ambientales a los que nos enfrentamos, como el cambio climático o las consecuencias derivadas de las crisis sanitarias.

Este estudio se prolongará hasta junio de 2024 y está alineado con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU (ODS) números 3 (Salud y bienestar), 9 (Industria, innovación e infraestructuras), 12 (Producción y consumo responsable) y 13 (Acción por el clima).

La foto muestra unas superficies cerámicas higiénicas con efecto hidrófobo.

Oct 30

Ceramic sanitaryware and tableware technologies: Sacmi partner of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

“An excellent interface between science and in-the-field experience” is how Pascal Seffern, Professor at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, underlines the value of Sacmi’s books on technologies to produce ceramic sanitaryware and tableware, recently handed out to students following a partnership established between Sacmi and the German university.


The aim of the new partnership is to inspire tomorrow’s graduates and teach them the basic principles and practical applications of the ceramics industry. “These books transfer to the reader a wide range of fundamental concepts regarding all areas of the sanitaryware and tableware manufacturing industry” explains the professor.

Underlying the initiative is the transformation of manufacturing towards applied sustainability, especially in the construction industry. “The ceramics industry can still enjoy a growing reputation and relevance as an enabling sector –observes Seffern– but it is essential to foster and develop young, specialized talent”.

This has brought to the forefront the strategic topic of training and the capacity of the ceramic world to attract young technicians and technologists. The partnership with Sacmi promises to stimulate skill and passion for the ceramics sector, combining academic research with Sacmi’s decades-long in-the-field experience to discover increasingly efficient and sustainable application solutions.

Oct 23

Industrial Services at Hannover Messe 2024: Maintenance, Assembly, Recycling, Cleaning, Industrial Logistics

Hannover Messe 2024 (22-26 April) is responding to changing market requirements with the new Industrial Services exhibition area. German industry is facing ever new challenges in the face of rising energy prices, a shortage of young talent, and increasing bureaucratic hurdles. Companies are outsourcing services so that they can devote their full attention to their own core activities and issues. This is where the new Industrial Services exhibition area comes into play, offering companies from the spheres of maintenance, assembly, recycling, cleaning, and industrial logistics the opportunity to showcase their service offerings and products in the attractive setting of Hall 11, at the interface between automation and energy topics.

This joint stand will be supported by, among others, VAIS (Association for Plant Engineering and Industrial Services). «Hannover Messe is the leading international trade fair and showcase for the industry. We are pleased that, with the new exhibition area, the importance and role of industrial services as enabler for the industrial transformation in Germany will become more visible. The show offers our members the opportunity to present their solutions to an audience of customers and experts and, in return, to familiarize themselves with the latest technological developments,» says Dr. Dietmar Kestner, Managing Director of VAIS.

The joint stand is likewise interesting for logistics service providers. They are the supply chain’s enablers, alleviating the burden on industry with solutions tailored to specific and varied requirements.

Hannover Messe is the world’s only event at which companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical, digital and energy sectors come together to present solutions in the interests of establishing an industrial environment that is both high-performance and sustainable in equal measure. As a networked industrial ecosystem, they demonstrate how climate neutrality can be achieved by adopting electrification, digitization, and automation and applying sustainable technologies and solutions along with the incorporation of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI).

Oct 16

XII European Congress on Refractory Raw Materials


If interested, please contact: Mike O’Driscoll

Supporting Partners

SGC LOGO CONFEVICEX[1]    Logo of Refwin   logo_refractories_zw - websmall

We are delighted to announce the XII European Congress of Refractory Raw Materials, Machinery & Installation, to be held at the Meliá Lebreros, Seville, 13-14 March 2024.

Co-organised by ANFRE, Spain (National Association of Manufacturers of Refractories, Materials and Related Services) and IMFORMED, this will be a stimulating conference focusing on key aspects of the refractory raw materials industry and enabling an excellent networking platform.


This event follows the successful and inaugural joint co-operation between ANFRE and IMFORMED in 2022 with the XI European Congress of Refractory Raw Materials, Machinery & Installation, in Barcelona.


Well balanced selection of topics. Met three major customers in one place and connected to many more potential customers – excellent!
Reinhardt van Rooyen, Sales & Marketing Executive, ARM Andalusite, South Africa

Excellent programme and very good organisation. I found it very interesting.
Beltran Martin-Prat, Production Controller, ALFRAN, Spain

Good programme, very well organised.
Patricia Carles, Sales Manager, ALTEO Alumina, France

Once again we will bring together an expert panel of speakers to cover the key aspects of the refractory raw materials industry.

Topics will include:

  • Refractory minerals

  • New sources, products, & applications

  • Market outlook

  • Recycling

  • Decarbonisation

  • Energy transition

  • Logistics


If interested, please contact Mike O’Driscoll

Speakers’ registration fees are waived.

Rio Grande9

The conference will start with a networking dinner on the evening of Wednesday 13 March at the wonderful Río Grande Sevilla restaraunt (above), followed by the conference at the hotel on Thursday 14 March.


Registration, Exhibit, & Sponsorship Enquiries

Ismene Clarke | +44 (0)7905 771 494

Programme, Speaker Enquiries

Mike O’Driscoll | +44 (0)7985 986 255

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